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When I think about writing my "about me" page, I can't help but feel a little scared.
I don't want to be judged on something that is so personal. The reality is - I'm still deciding who I want to be. I mean yes I am a wife and mother, but at the moment that's it.

While deciding what I wanted to blog about - I kept going through different options in my head, but kept coming back to the same answers... I am not a DIY wizz, not a food critic, I don't have the best fashion sense, and I can't even put makeup on myself-let alone advise others on what to do. I can however give advice on the best nappies, what a toddler likes and doesn't like and so on... So the simple option was... Just be me. So... Here I am!!! 

By day I work in marketing, and come 4.30pm I am a full time wife and mummy. I hate washing dishes – that’s why they invented the dishwasher right? Saying that I have a slightly OCD hubby who has to pretty much wash the dishes before putting them in there (he calls this rinsing off… hmmm).
I don’t do public toilets, although the family changing suites are growing on me… I may have to keep having kids so that I can use those ones when we go out.

I love bargains - I hardly ever pay full price for anything, and will hunt high and low until I find something I want. I absolutely love op shops, one mans junk is definitely my treasure.
I also love baking, mostly cupcakes (and even better when I make the box ones),and love watching YouTube channels dedicated to baking. 
Christmas is my favourite time of the year - I wish I could have my Christmas decorations up all year round - that would be a bit weird tho... 

 My name is Claire. I am a 30 something year old wife to Brad and mum (to a fur baby called Ernie, a 2 little humans, Keaton (3 years), and Dax (under 1 year - I write that because I will forget to come here each month and write how old he is, so for now thats his age!).

Welcome to my world

If you are reading this, I would love to hear your story, please feel free to send me a message, and if you are a fellow blogger, I will check out your blog in return.

Read my birth story here
Follow my Pregnancy with number 2 here



  1. I absolutely LOVE your about me page. I've been blogging for six months and I've editing my about me page about 20 times. I keep reading these "define your niche" articles but I just want to be me. I'm about to become a mom - I guess that'll make me a stay at home mom but for now I'm "just a blogger" so I totally relate to this about me!

    Really enjoyed reading this and seeing that I'm not alone!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. all I can say is be yourself and don't be defined by what society wants or thinks they need! Good luck with mommyhood. I look forward to following your blogging journey. :-)

  2. Good Morning! I have just found your blog on Kiwi Mummys! I have started just started blog again (couldn't remember how to get back into my last one from years ago! lol!) I am also baking a bebe, number 3! Looking forward to reading more of your blogs! I think we may be quite similar! Have a fab day!

    1. Hello and Welcome! Congrats on baking the newest addition to your family! what is your blog called, would love to pop over and learn about you too :) hope you enjoy the read, although I am planning on taking a break when bubs comes, but will be around for a few more weeks :)
