Beer Advent Calendar

Who says advent calendars are only for kids. I did one one of these last year for Brad for Christmas, but did the lazy version - where I just bought a box of beers and wrapped them up. (I mean if you want to do that, its super easy). But this year I decided to be a little more creative and try something a little different. I in no way came up with this idea (I am not that creative) - in fact there are heaps of variations on Pinterest.

To made a Beer (wine, or anything drinkable really) Advent Calendar, you will need:
  • 24 bottles of beer (most of mine are different, I think there are 6 of the same, because I ran out of choices)
  • 24 Labels
  • A box large enough to fit all the beers
  • Tissue Paper (or brown paper bags)
  • Wrapping Paper

The next steps are pretty explanatory, simply wrap the bottles up, tag them with the dates (You can download super cute advent tags here made by Rebecca at Simple as That. I simply used pre made gift tags and wrote on the back of them), and place in the box. 

Once they are all wrapped, simply wrap up the box to look like a big gift, and present to one unsuspecting husband/partner on December 1st.

I have joined up with 11 other Kiwi Mummy Bloggers for twelve days of Christmas. Each blogger will share a Christmas themed post e.g. Craft, DIY, Inspiration, Recipe or Family tradition.
Tomorrow is Charlene over at Teacher By Trade, Mother By Nature, she is sharing Christmas around her home. Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to keep track of the 12 days collab - there are some great activities being shared, and its a fab way to connect with other Kiwi Mums!


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