Easy Valentines Day Treats

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, not that I get sucked into the whole commercial side of it, and luckily my kids are small and have no idea what it is, so it’s just another day for us.
Saying that, I did make some Valentine’s day inspired treats – which are so easy to make, and involves NO baking or anything too difficult really.

You will need:
  • Oreo’s (I got the ones that have chocolate cream? In the centre as a change)
  • Lollipop sticks
  • White chocolate (or any colour you want)
  • Sprinkles
Firstly separate your Oreo’s from each other
Melt your chocolate in the microwave in 30 second bursts until melted (mine took 2 x 30 second bursts)
Dip the end of the stick in the melted chocolate and place on the Oreo that has the icing/filling in it, and then place the top over it. Once they are all done – pop in the fridge to set.
Once they are set (which takes about 5 minutes) – dip them into the melted chocolate and give them a few taps on the side of your bowl to get rid of excess chocolate. Place on a sheet of baking paper and decorate with your choice of sprinkles.

Leave to dry – or pop in the fridge. Once dry, place in cellophane and tie with a bow (or just eat them, that what I did).
These are not limited to Valentine's day either, they make great treats for birthday parties, baby showers, Christmas and gifts.


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