Monthly Update - January 17

So it’s the end of January and the Christmas tree is down, and life is getting back to normal. I have decided try and bring back my monthly updates – focusing mainly on the things we have gotten up to over the month, kind of like a dear diary – but not too personal (well not personal at all, or juicy- because I am a mum and I have no “juiciness” in my life).

We have been focusing on family time - and outdoor activities - trying to limit screen time as much as possible (which is hard, because its just so easy to stick the TV for the kids and get on with life). So where possible we have gone out on adventures. Grabone has been great for getting vouchers on, we picked up some bowling and mini golf ones, which were super cheap and Keaton loved it. I try and look on there before going anywhere really - they always have something on a deal.

We also ventured out to Sanders Reserve and let the kids go mad on their balance bikes (kids being my nephew who is the same age as Keaton, and Keaton). It is a great place to burn off some energy. Brad also enjoyed the trails (not the kids ones, there are adult ones too). There is heaps to do there, we are planning on going back while the weather is nice and doing some more adventuring.

Dax is big enough to fit on the smart trike now, so him and I go on that, and brad takes the scooter and follows Keaton who is on his bike – we did the walk in Orewa, again a great place to burn off energy – and great that Brad was able to keep up with Keaton (he was on the kids scooter, so we are on the hunt for adult ones now – I had forgotten how much fun they are).
We bought  a seat for the back of Brad’s bike – so the kids can go for rides with him. I still a bit scared to put Dax on there (I need to get him a helmet), but Keaton is still under the weight limit, so he and Brad go for rides – which is a great way to get out and get some fresh air.

I have been in “de clutter” mode – my blogging gal pay over at  Teacher By Trade, Mother By Nature has been on a Kon Mari journey for the last year and after reading her posts, I was inspired to see just how much junk I have. The philosophy is, is that if something doesn’t spark joy – get rid of it (that may just be with clothes, but I have done that with everything). I am just over junk in the house. So far I have sorted out the kitchen cupboards and the kids play room – they have so many toys, and I spend my life cleaning up the toys and putting them back in their places. Half of the stuff in there is rarely played with, I mean who needs 10 fire trucks (and no I am not exaggerating). So anything that was slightly broken, or not played with in a while has been packed up and either binned, or sent off to the second hand shop. The same with the kitchen stuff.

The rest of the month has been pretty quiet – just getting back into work life and home life. I also have the constant reminder that Dax turns 1 in April and Keaton 4, so I need to start planning birthday parties and smash cake shoots. I also need to finish off Dax’s room – as he still sleeps in our room, I have not done much to it. He does have a bed in it, and all his clothes etc, and a few decorations, but nothing really that says “hey this is my room”. So I need to get that sorted out at least before he turns 1.

That's it - until next month.


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