2016 - A year in Review

It’s hard to believe that we are another year down. It feels like just yesterday I was rounding up 2015, and here I am suddenly rounding up 2016.

For me, 2016 has had its ups and downs, defiantly more ups than downs, with the major one being the birth of our second child (I still need to write my birth story for him… oops).

Most of my year has involved adjusting life to being a mum of 2 and a family of 4. It certainly is not easy, especially when you have a very strong minded 3 year old (who is far too smart for his own good). He loves his baby brother though, and is so helpful – which I love.

Keaton – he starts “big school” next year, which freaks me out, because I am not ready to have a 4 year old this year (let alone a 5 year old next year). He has adjusted so well to being a big brother. I love the age gap between them, as he is just too young to get jealous, and is so affectionate to Dax, I can see they are going to have a great relationship when they are older. Keaton also fully transitioned out of nappies, which has been great, as now there is only one in nappies. He started swimming and loves it, although he is not a fan of getting his face wet (sorry to burst your bubble dude, but if you are going to swim, your face is going to get wet).

Dax – is a super baby, after being a week over due, and deciding to give me a super quick labour, and then being so eager to come out, that I couldn’t have any pain relief at all (Thanks for that Dax) – he has made up for it by being super chilled. He loves food, boob, and life. The only time he cries is when Keaton inadvertently hurts him, or you tell him off for hair pulling. He smiles nonstop, from the time he wakes up, to the time he goes to bed, he has a constant grin on his face. He loves bathing and loves Keaton to bits. He is currently learning to stand, and he stands at every chance he gets (currently when he is supposed to be sleeping in his cot).

Life – Life otherwise has been pretty good. Hubby started a new job, and has been super busy with that. I have been enjoying being a visual? Blogger, more so than writing, mainly because I don’t have time to sit in front of the screen and write anything anymore. You can keep up to date with my life on my Instagram (I tend to over share on here quite a bit). We got our New Zealand Citizenship in November, which was awesome, I can’t believe we have been here for 6 years already. My sister and her family also came over from South Africa, which has been great, especially for Keaton, as my nephew and he are the same age – they cause carnage where ever they go, but love each other to bits. We sadly said farewell to my gran. She passed away in September after battling dementia. We didn’t have a funeral as such for her, but all got together (the whole family, first time in 18 years) – and said our goodbyes, let off some balloons, and scattered her ashes on what would have been her birthday (on Dec 26th).
Can you tell Brad loves having his picture taken?

We had a huge family reunion, and celebrated Christmas eve at our house. We had planned on having it outside, but it was so windy, that we had to move everything indoors, and try and fit 20 people seated was very tricky, but went off without a hitch.
I gave Keaton free range of the decorating the gingerbread house

I took part in a 12 days of Christmas blogging collab with some awesome kiwi mummy bloggers, I love doing collabs – it’s a great way of meeting new bloggers, and seeing how differently people interpret things. I also joined 2 secret Santa/gift exchanges. One was a local Nzsecret Santa through NZ post – I love the gift I received – it’s a massive (A1) size poster of my blog name. It is currently homeless, but I know where it is going go. I also joined the Fat Mum Slim worldwide gift exchange (this was my first year) – I had so much fun stalking my elf, and we are now cyber friends, which is great. I also received a super cool gift all the way from the US - it arrived last week, so was a nice surprise. 

I think that pretty much sums up my year, there was obviously alot more, but seeing as its already the second week in January I did not want to hang on the past too much. Looking forward to 2017 and all the adventures it brings, along with some new blogging adventures and giveaways too – so keep a look out for those. I am also going to try (I have said this for the last 2 years…) to complete the FMS photo a day challenge, so if you aren’t already – follow me on Instagram so you can keep track of my snaps – and let me know your Instagram name below and I will follow you back J.

Thanks for following along and wishing you a fab New Year!


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